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Spaniards Who Made Their Mark on NY in the 20th Century

Learn about some of the Spaniards who made their mark on New York in this kid-friendly video!

Last week, the Queen Sofía Spanish Institute presented the Royal Academy of History of Spain’s Biographical Dictionary for the first time ever in the Americas.


Did you know that many Spaniards left a big footprint on the history of New York?


Here are just a few:

  1. José Francisco Navarro Arzac: A Spanish engineer and businessman who built the first elevated train in the world on 6th Avenue. He also built, among other buildings, the Navarro Apartment Houses.
  2. Heraclio Alfaro: An aeronautical engineer and aviation pioneer who built the first US helicopters
  3. Leonardo Torres Quevedo: He designed, among others, the Spanish Aero Car, a cable car that crossed Niagara Falls.
  4. Rafael Guastavino: This architect left his mark on many iconic places in the Big Apple, such as Grand Central or Ellis Island.
  5. Marcelino Orbés: Considered in his day the “best clown in the world.” He had great success in cities like London and New York.
  6. La Carmencita: This dancer dazzled New Yorkers with her talent and skill. The records of the time speak of a true fandom, and all of New York wanted to look like her.


To discover more biographies of people from across the Hispanic world, visit: