Watch our latest interviews

Interview with Maria Eugenia Lozano

September 11th, 2020 - Executive Director of the Queen Sofía Spanish Institute Patrice Degnan interviews professor Maria Eugenia Lozano about her life, her work teaching Spanish and linguistics, and bilingual education in the United States.

Interview with Gerardo Piña-Rosales

August 21st, 2020 - An exclusive interview with Dr. Gerardo Piña-Rosales about his life and the future of the Spanish language in the United States as the Director of the Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE).

Interview with Gerard Guiu

July 17th, 2020 - In this interview as part of our language series, our Executive Director Patrice Degnan speaks with expert in communications and public relations Gerard Guiu about his experiences with language and communications from Spain to the United States.

Interview with Richard Kagan: "The Spanish Craze"

July 11th, 2020 - In an interview with Spanish Ambassador Rafael Conde de Saro, Professor Edward Sullivan of NYU interviews noted historian Richard Kagan about his recently published book "The Spanish Craze: America's Fascination with the Hispanic World, 1779-1939."

Interview with Dr. García-Sastre

July 2nd, 2020 - An exclusive interview with Dr. García-Sastre about COVID-19 in the United States and his perspective as the Director of the Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.

Interview with Carmen Benito-Vessels

May 18th, 2020 - Historical Literature Discussion: A talk with Carmen Benito-Vessels, writer, historian and friend of the Institute, about her most recent book, "España y la costa atlántica: cuatro personajes del siglo XVI en busca de autor".

Interview with Dr. Carlos Cordón-Cardó

May 8th, 2020 - An exclusive interview in Spanish with our Chairman and the Head of Pathology at Mount Sinai, Dr. Carlos Cordón-Cardó about COVID-19 in Spain and the United States.

Interview about the Maps and Globes Program

April 22nd, 2020 - An interview with the Head of Education at the Hispanic Society Museum & Library, Cristina Domenech about the partnership between the organization and NYC District 6 Schools where educators explore the collection of Spanish maps of Europe and the Americas.